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Lunarwulf's Dark Atmosphere in battle

Traits are abilities that are triggered by specific conditions in or out of battle that do not consume SP. This is what differentiates them from Skills, which require SP to use. Most Traits trigger in between turns or before or after a battle.


The concept of Traits are discussed by Professor Nelson in the Traits handbook. In it, he describes Traits as slight differences between Coromon of the same species resulting from small genetic mutations. Each species of Coromon can only have a specific set of Traits. From this set, each individual Coromon has just one Trait. Not every individual Coromon will have a Trait, despite its species having access to Traits. Evolving a Coromon does not change its Trait, but this Trait can be changed using a Traitformator, which can be found on the second floor of Donar Island's Trainer Hub. Choosing not to evolve a Coromon, or using a Devolve Pill on it, enhances it's trait which increases it's effects. This is signified by 1 or 2 plus signs after the Trait name.

List of Traits

Used Traits

Name Type Effect Coromon Odds
Accurate Passive The Coromon has such good aim that its Accuracy is always increased by 1 stage. 49 Kyreptil A.pngKyreptil50 Kyraptor A.pngKyraptor 35.00%
Acupuncture Active The Coromon treats a member of the Squad to cure them of all status problems. 96 Flowish A.pngFlowish97 Daricara A.pngDaricara 20.00%
Afterburner Passive When the Coromon is defeated in battle, inflict burn on the opposing team. 44 Bren A.pngBren45 Pyrochick A.pngPyrochick46 Infinix A.pngInfinix 20.00%
Amplified Passive Very effective attacks against the opponent deal 25% extra damage. 44 Bren A.pngBren45 Pyrochick A.pngPyrochick46 Infinix A.pngInfinix 20.00%
113 Lumon A.pngLumon114 Lampyre A.pngLampyre115 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 25.00%
96 Flowish A.pngFlowish97 Daricara A.pngDaricara 20.00%
47 Acie A.pngAcie48 Deecie A.pngDeecie 15.00%
65 Lumon A.pngLumon66 Lampyre A.pngLampyre67 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 25.00%
Antarctic Passive The Coromon makes it Snow for 5 rounds upon entering a battle. 119 Arcta A.pngArcta120 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 25.00%
59 Arcta A.pngArcta60 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 25.00%
Antidote Active The Coromon builds up an antidote over time which can cure a Squad member from poison. 10 Swurmy A.pngSwurmy11 Beezel A.pngBeezel12 Humbee A.pngHumbee 20.00%
Anti-fungal Passive By using Fungus, the Coromon can fully restore its HP. 74 Taddle A.pngTaddle75 Fibio A.pngFibio76 Chonktoad A.pngChonktoad 15.00%
Backup Plan Passive Once per battle, the Coromon will cling to life instead of fainting when hit by a very effective attack. 82 Purrgy A.pngPurrgy83 Ghinx A.pngGhinx84 Purrghast A.pngPurrghast 30.00%
Brave Passive This Coromon is so brave that it can not be affected by curse. 18 Houndos A.pngHoundos19 Hountrion A.pngHountrion 45.00%
Bright Light Passive The Coromon emanates a bright light, blocking Twilight and lighting up caves. 113 Lumon A.pngLumon114 Lampyre A.pngLampyre115 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 35.00%
65 Lumon A.pngLumon66 Lampyre A.pngLampyre67 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 35.00%
Caffeinated Passive The Coromon is hyper and its max SP is increased by up to 18 points based on its level. 87 Quagoo A.pngQuagoo88 Swampa A.pngSwampa 15.00%
100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth 35.00%
Cleanse Passive Rain has a soothing effect on this Coromon, curing all status problems. 51 Gella A.pngGella52 Gellish A.pngGellish53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad 20.00%
Clean Retreat Passive The Coromon is cured of all status problems when returned to its Spinner. 68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite 20.00%
103 Otogy A.pngOtogy104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 30.00%
121 Otogy A.pngOtogy122 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 30.00%
100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth 25.00%
Clear Skies Passive Clear the skies and removes all entry hazards upon entering a battle. The Coromon prevents weather from changing. 47 Acie A.pngAcie48 Deecie A.pngDeecie 20.00%
Comeback Passive When its HP drops below 25%, the Coromon makes a comeback, increasing its Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 stage. 98 Mino A.pngMino99 Blazitaur A.pngBlazitaur 20.00%
Conductor Passive The Coromon charges when hit by an Electric attack, increasing its Speed by 1 stage. 113 Lumon A.pngLumon114 Lampyre A.pngLampyre115 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 40.00%
68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite 20.00%
65 Lumon A.pngLumon66 Lampyre A.pngLampyre67 Lumasect A.pngLumasect 40.00%
Conserver Passive The Coromon requires 1 less SP to use Skills. 30 Fiddly A.pngFiddly31 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 25.00%
87 Quagoo A.pngQuagoo88 Swampa A.pngSwampa 30.00%
111 Fiddly A.pngFiddly112 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 25.00%
Contained Power Passive The Coromon contains its power. Once every three damaging Skills its power unleashes, dealing 20% more damage. 1 Cubzero A.pngCubzero2 Aroara A.pngAroara3 Bearealis A.pngBearealis 25.00%
Cool body Passive The Coromon embraces the cold, increasing its Defense by 20%. Does not work in a Heatwave. 41 Kryo A.pngKryo42 Krypeek A.pngKrypeek43 Krybeest A.pngKrybeest 25.00%
80 Blizzburd A.pngBlizzburd81 Blizzian A.pngBlizzian 25.00%
Cosmic Passive The Coromon draws power from the Twilight, causing all negative stat changes applied to it to become positive. 89 Squidly A.pngSquidly90 Octotle A.pngOctotle 30.00%
Coward Passive When the Coromon receives a critical hit, it cowers and increases its Defense 2 stages. 18 Houndos A.pngHoundos19 Hountrion A.pngHountrion 30.00%
77 Tinshel A.pngTinshel78 Dunpod A.pngDunpod79 Sandril A.pngSandril 30.00%
Creeping Stare Passive The Coromon creeps out the opponent, lowering its Speed by 1 stage. 96 Flowish A.pngFlowish97 Daricara A.pngDaricara 20.00%
Crippler Passive When the Coromon inflicts a status problem or stat change on an opponent, damage the target's SP by 10% of their max SP. 54 Skarbone A.pngSkarbone55 Skuldra A.pngSkuldra56 Skelatops A.pngSkelatops 15.00%
100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth 20.00%
Dark Atmosphere Passive The Coromon calls forth the Twilight for 5 rounds upon entering a battle. 57 Droople A.pngDroople58 Mudma A.pngMudma 20.00%
38 Lunarpup A.pngLunarpup39 Lunarwulf A.pngLunarwulf40 Eclyptor A.pngEclyptor 10.00%
89 Squidly A.pngSquidly90 Octotle A.pngOctotle 30.00%
Dimensional Eye Passive The Coromon excels at seeing weak points while in the Twilight, Critical hit chance is increased by 1 stage. 103 Otogy A.pngOtogy104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 20.00%
38 Lunarpup A.pngLunarpup39 Lunarwulf A.pngLunarwulf40 Eclyptor A.pngEclyptor 30.00%
121 Otogy A.pngOtogy122 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 20.00%
Dirt Coat Passive The Coromon covers itself in a sturdy dirt coat during a Sandstorm, increasing its Defense by 50%. 23 Sanscale A.pngSanscale24 Caradune A.pngCaradune 40.00%
54 Skarbone A.pngSkarbone55 Skuldra A.pngSkuldra56 Skelatops A.pngSkelatops 25.00%
Disrupting Aura Passive The Coromon's aura depletes 2 SP of any attacker making contact. 103 Otogy A.pngOtogy104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 15.00%
121 Otogy A.pngOtogy122 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 15.00%
Dry Wind Passive The Coromon summons a Sandstorm for 5 rounds upon entering a battle. 93 Mooby A.pngMooby94 Molbash A.pngMolbash95 Malavite A.pngMalavite 33.33%
71 Decibite A.pngDecibite72 Centilla A.pngCentilla73 Millidont A.pngMillidont 20.00%
116 Decibite A.pngDecibite117 Centilla A.pngCentilla118 Millidont A.pngMillidont 30.00%
Empathetic Passive The Coromon is also affected by any stat changes the opponent is affected by. 105 Shimshell A.pngShimshell106 Atlantern A.pngAtlantern 40.00%
Unknown.pngXena 30.00%
16 Slitherpin A.pngSlitherpin17 Serpike A.pngSerpike 20.00%
Escapist Passive This Coromon is immune to being trapped, and in normal circumstances never fails to escape from a wild Coromon. 32 Moffel A.pngMoffel33 Digmow A.pngDigmow34 Dugterra A.pngDugterra 35.71%
13 Silquill A.pngSilquill14 Gildwing A.pngGildwing15 Golbeak A.pngGolbeak 20.00%
Fast Learner Passive The Coromon learns quickly, gaining 5% extra XP from battles. 25 Bittybolt A.pngBittybolt26 Toravolt A.pngToravolt 30.00%
107 Lemobi A.pngLemobi108 Makinja A.pngMakinja 20.00%
77 Tinshel A.pngTinshel78 Dunpod A.pngDunpod79 Sandril A.pngSandril 30.00%
Fast Metabolism Passive The Coromon raises its Sp. Attack by 2 stages and restores 25% SP when consuming Fruit. 4 Toruga A.pngToruga5 Embaval A.pngEmbaval6 Volcadon A.pngVolcadon 25.00%
Fearless Passive The Coromon refuses to run from any fight, and its max HP is increased by up to 40 points based on its level. 61 Seraphace A.pngSeraphace62 Grimmask A.pngGrimmask 25.00%
109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram 20.00%
Flare Intake Passive By absorbing flames, the Coromon raises its Sp. Attack when hit by a Fire move. 63 Squidma A.pngSquidma64 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 20.00%
123 Squidma A.pngSquidma124 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 20.00%
27 Bloby A.pngBloby28 Molteye A.pngMolteye29 Ashclops A.pngAshclops 20.00%
Frost Layer Passive A frosty layer reduces the damage of the first incoming Fire attack by 75%. Does not work in a Heatwave. 109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram 20.00%
Fully Rested Passive When the Coromon has full HP, any damage is reduced by 40%. 41 Kryo A.pngKryo42 Krypeek A.pngKrypeek43 Krybeest A.pngKrybeest 35.00%
7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite 20.00%
30 Fiddly A.pngFiddly31 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 35.00%
111 Fiddly A.pngFiddly112 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 35.00%
103 Otogy A.pngOtogy104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 35.00%
121 Otogy A.pngOtogy122 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy 35.00%
Glacial Affinity Passive For every other Ice type Coromon on their team, this Coromon Skills deal 10% extra damage. 80 Blizzburd A.pngBlizzburd81 Blizzian A.pngBlizzian 25.00%
109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram 20.00%
100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth 20.00%
Good Aim Passive Physical Skills hit the right spot, increasing critical hit damage by 35%. 35 Buzzlet A.pngBuzzlet36 Bazzer A.pngBazzer37 Rhynobuz A.pngRhynobuz 25.00%
16 Slitherpin A.pngSlitherpin17 Serpike A.pngSerpike 20.00%
Gourmand Passive The Coromon gains 50% additional HP and SP when consuming cakes. 57 Droople A.pngDroople58 Mudma A.pngMudma 20.00%
4 Toruga A.pngToruga5 Embaval A.pngEmbaval6 Volcadon A.pngVolcadon 15.00%
Gravity Pull Passive This Coromon has such a big mass that any attacker making contact will be prevented from switching out or escaping for 5 rounds. 85 Gauslime A.pngGauslime86 Magnamire A.pngMagnamire 20.00%
Gullible Passive The Coromon is very gullible, and every stat change is doubled. 10 Swurmy A.pngSwurmy11 Beezel A.pngBeezel12 Humbee A.pngHumbee 20.00%
27 Bloby A.pngBloby28 Molteye A.pngMolteye29 Ashclops A.pngAshclops 20.00%
Hardheaded Passive Because of its hard head, the Coromon suffers 50% less recoil damage. 105 Shimshell A.pngShimshell106 Atlantern A.pngAtlantern 20.00%
98 Mino A.pngMino99 Blazitaur A.pngBlazitaur 20.00%
Hoarder Passive After a battle, the Coromon has a 10% chance to hoard items it finds lying around the battlefield. 20 Armado A.pngArmado21 Armadil A.pngArmadil22 Armadon A.pngArmadon 20.00%
Hot Headed Passive Fire Skills used by the Coromon deal 20% more damage. Does not work in Snow. 63 Squidma A.pngSquidma64 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 25.00%
123 Squidma A.pngSquidma124 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 25.00%
98 Mino A.pngMino99 Blazitaur A.pngBlazitaur 20.00%
Humidifier Passive The Coromon makes it Rain for 5 rounds upon entering a battle. 74 Taddle A.pngTaddle75 Fibio A.pngFibio76 Chonktoad A.pngChonktoad 40.00%
30 Fiddly A.pngFiddly31 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 20.00%
111 Fiddly A.pngFiddly112 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 20.00%
Impatient Passive Upon defeating an opponent, the Coromon gets impatient and raises its Speed by 1 stage. 35 Buzzlet A.pngBuzzlet36 Bazzer A.pngBazzer37 Rhynobuz A.pngRhynobuz 25.00%
54 Skarbone A.pngSkarbone55 Skuldra A.pngSkuldra56 Skelatops A.pngSkelatops 15.00%
Inner Fire Passive The Coromon has an inner fire burning so hot, that it cannot be frozen. 10 Swurmy A.pngSwurmy11 Beezel A.pngBeezel12 Humbee A.pngHumbee 20.00%
35 Buzzlet A.pngBuzzlet36 Bazzer A.pngBazzer37 Rhynobuz A.pngRhynobuz 25.00%
Intelligent Passive The Coromon uses its knowledge to increase its Evasion by 25% when battling wild Coromon. 80 Blizzburd A.pngBlizzburd81 Blizzian A.pngBlizzian 30.00%
Unknown.pngXena 30.00%
Inverse Passive The Coromon doesn't know left from right, so all stat changes are reversed. 51 Gella A.pngGella52 Gellish A.pngGellish53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad 20.00%
Kindred Soul Passive Upon entering a battle, if the opponent has higher max HP, the Coromon links their souls to match its HP until the battle ends. 82 Purrgy A.pngPurrgy83 Ghinx A.pngGhinx84 Purrghast A.pngPurrghast 40.00%
51 Gella A.pngGella52 Gellish A.pngGellish53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad 20.00%
Low Density Passive During a Sandstorm, the Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any opponent it attacks. 93 Mooby A.pngMooby94 Molbash A.pngMolbash95 Malavite A.pngMalavite 33.33%
Lucky Passive The Coromon is so lucky that its Critical hit chance is always increased by 1 stage. 119 Arcta A.pngArcta120 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 20.00%
107 Lemobi A.pngLemobi108 Makinja A.pngMakinja 20.00%
32 Moffel A.pngMoffel33 Digmow A.pngDigmow34 Dugterra A.pngDugterra 42.86%
59 Arcta A.pngArcta60 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 20.00%
Magic Layer Passive Because of it's aura of magic, the Coromon reduces special damage taken by 15%. 63 Squidma A.pngSquidma64 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 25.00%
123 Squidma A.pngSquidma124 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 25.00%
119 Arcta A.pngArcta120 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 25.00%
47 Acie A.pngAcie48 Deecie A.pngDeecie 20.00%
59 Arcta A.pngArcta60 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 25.00%
Magnetic Passive When a Spinner fails to catch a wild Coromon, this Coromon tries to pull back the Spinner to the trainer with a 50% chance of success. 85 Gauslime A.pngGauslime86 Magnamire A.pngMagnamire 20.00%
Menacing Passive The Coromon intimidates its opponent, lowering its Attack by 1 stage. As the Squad leader outside of battle it has a chance to repel much weaker wild Coromon. 23 Sanscale A.pngSanscale24 Caradune A.pngCaradune 30.00%
18 Houndos A.pngHoundos19 Hountrion A.pngHountrion 25.00%
85 Gauslime A.pngGauslime86 Magnamire A.pngMagnamire 20.00%
38 Lunarpup A.pngLunarpup39 Lunarwulf A.pngLunarwulf40 Eclyptor A.pngEclyptor 40.00%
89 Squidly A.pngSquidly90 Octotle A.pngOctotle 20.00%
Molter Passive The Coromon sheds its skin after each round, giving it 30% chance to cure status problems. 16 Slitherpin A.pngSlitherpin17 Serpike A.pngSerpike 20.00%
Motivated Passive Upon defeating an opponent, the Coromon gets motivated and raises its Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 stage. 98 Mino A.pngMino99 Blazitaur A.pngBlazitaur 20.00%
89 Squidly A.pngSquidly90 Octotle A.pngOctotle 20.00%
Nano Skin Passive This Coromon's regenerative exoskeleton makes it immune to bleeding. 71 Decibite A.pngDecibite72 Centilla A.pngCentilla73 Millidont A.pngMillidont 20.00%
116 Decibite A.pngDecibite117 Centilla A.pngCentilla118 Millidont A.pngMillidont 15.00%
Neutralizer Passive Upon entering a battle the Coromon disables the Trait of all opposing Coromon for 2 rounds while on the battlefield. 71 Decibite A.pngDecibite72 Centilla A.pngCentilla73 Millidont A.pngMillidont 20.00%
Nimble Passive When attacked, the Coromon steals any Fruit held by an attacker making contact. 1 Cubzero A.pngCubzero2 Aroara A.pngAroara3 Bearealis A.pngBearealis 15.00%
Ninja Sense Passive Due to its sharp senses, the Coromon is able to evade any attack which hit in the previous round. 107 Lemobi A.pngLemobi108 Makinja A.pngMakinja 20.00%
Nurse Active The Coromon takes care of a member of the Squad, restoring them to full HP. 105 Shimshell A.pngShimshell106 Atlantern A.pngAtlantern 30.00%
Overclocker Passive If the opponent has higher Attack, the Coromon overclocks its own Attack to match it. 68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite 25.00%
Patdown Passive Upon entering a battle, the Coromon pats the opponent down to detect any held items. 20 Armado A.pngArmado21 Armadil A.pngArmadil22 Armadon A.pngArmadon 20.00%
68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite 15.00%
Pep Talk Active The Coromon gives a pep talk to a member of the Squad, overcharging their SP by 15 points. 61 Seraphace A.pngSeraphace62 Grimmask A.pngGrimmask 15.00%
13 Silquill A.pngSilquill14 Gildwing A.pngGildwing15 Golbeak A.pngGolbeak 30.00%
Polished Body Passive The Coromon's smooth body prevents any stat from lowering, unless caused by itself. 30 Fiddly A.pngFiddly31 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 20.00%
111 Fiddly A.pngFiddly112 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw 20.00%
91 Ruptius A.pngRuptius92 Vulbrute A.pngVulbrute 15.00%
Polluter Passive While on the battlefield, the Coromon pollutes the air on the opponent's side, making any opponent unable to eat Fruits. 54 Skarbone A.pngSkarbone55 Skuldra A.pngSkuldra56 Skelatops A.pngSkelatops 25.00%
47 Acie A.pngAcie48 Deecie A.pngDeecie 20.00%
4 Toruga A.pngToruga5 Embaval A.pngEmbaval6 Volcadon A.pngVolcadon 15.00%
Prepared Passive The Coromon is always prepared for a battle. The first turn after being sent out, the Coromon has double its Speed. 49 Kyreptil A.pngKyreptil50 Kyraptor A.pngKyraptor 25.00%
Radiator Passive The body of the Coromon is so hot that the first Skill making contact will burn the attacker, after which every fourth contact will. 27 Bloby A.pngBloby28 Molteye A.pngMolteye29 Ashclops A.pngAshclops 20.00%
Rebirth Passive Upon fainting, the Coromon will be reborn as Bren. After 3 battles Bren will hatch. 44 Bren A.pngBren45 Pyrochick A.pngPyrochick46 Infinix A.pngInfinix 20.00%
Reconstitution Active The Coromon reconstitutes itself, restoring 20% of its HP and SP and curing itself of status problems. 87 Quagoo A.pngQuagoo88 Swampa A.pngSwampa 15.00%
16 Slitherpin A.pngSlitherpin17 Serpike A.pngSerpike 20.00%
Regurgitator Passive The Coromon regurgitates its Fruit after 4 rounds, after which the Fruit can be consumed again. 57 Droople A.pngDroople58 Mudma A.pngMudma 20.00%
Reignite Passive When falling below 25% HP, the Coromon reignites and raises its Fire Skill damage by 50%. 63 Squidma A.pngSquidma64 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 30.00%
123 Squidma A.pngSquidma124 Magmilus A.pngMagmilus 30.00%
91 Ruptius A.pngRuptius92 Vulbrute A.pngVulbrute 20.00%
Resistant Passive The Coromon doesn't mind special attacks, and reduces damage from special attacks by 25%. 10 Swurmy A.pngSwurmy11 Beezel A.pngBeezel12 Humbee A.pngHumbee 20.00%
57 Droople A.pngDroople58 Mudma A.pngMudma 20.00%
Restless Passive The Coromon is too restless to feel drowsy. 61 Seraphace A.pngSeraphace62 Grimmask A.pngGrimmask 25.00%
Robber Passive The spoils go to the victor. Steal 50% extra gold when defeating a trainer. 68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite 20.00%
13 Silquill A.pngSilquill14 Gildwing A.pngGildwing15 Golbeak A.pngGolbeak 20.00%
Scrapper Passive The Coromon doesn't mind physical attacks, and reduces damage from physical attacks by 25%. 54 Skarbone A.pngSkarbone55 Skuldra A.pngSkuldra56 Skelatops A.pngSkelatops 20.00%
Sharp Claws Passive Its claws are so sharp that lowering its Attack is impossible, and its contact Skills deal 15% additional damage. 49 Kyreptil A.pngKyreptil50 Kyraptor A.pngKyraptor 40.00%
1 Cubzero A.pngCubzero2 Aroara A.pngAroara3 Bearealis A.pngBearealis 25.00%
Shiny Passive Upon entering a battle the Coromon's body shines bright and reduces the opponent's Sp. Attack by 1 stage. 41 Kryo A.pngKryo42 Krypeek A.pngKrypeek43 Krybeest A.pngKrybeest 15.00%
105 Shimshell A.pngShimshell106 Atlantern A.pngAtlantern 10.00%
Shock Absorber Passive The Coromon doesn't mind critical hits, and reduces their damage by 25%. 93 Mooby A.pngMooby94 Molbash A.pngMolbash95 Malavite A.pngMalavite 33.33%
Short Fused Passive The Coromon gets angry upon receiving a critical hit, increasing its Attack by 2 stages. 91 Ruptius A.pngRuptius92 Vulbrute A.pngVulbrute 45.00%
Slippery Passive This slippery Coromon will dodge the first of every four status changing moves it is hit by. 10 Swurmy A.pngSwurmy11 Beezel A.pngBeezel12 Humbee A.pngHumbee 20.00%
71 Decibite A.pngDecibite72 Centilla A.pngCentilla73 Millidont A.pngMillidont 20.00%
116 Decibite A.pngDecibite117 Centilla A.pngCentilla118 Millidont A.pngMillidont 30.00%
Snowman Passive The Coromon rebuilds itself using Snow, restoring 5% HP after every round when Snow is falling. 41 Kryo A.pngKryo42 Krypeek A.pngKrypeek43 Krybeest A.pngKrybeest 25.00%
80 Blizzburd A.pngBlizzburd81 Blizzian A.pngBlizzian 20.00%
119 Arcta A.pngArcta120 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 30.00%
59 Arcta A.pngArcta60 Arcturos A.pngArcturos 30.00%
Soothing Aura Active The Coromon can call down a soothing aura, restoring 20% HP to all Squad members. 44 Bren A.pngBren45 Pyrochick A.pngPyrochick46 Infinix A.pngInfinix 20.00%
96 Flowish A.pngFlowish97 Daricara A.pngDaricara 20.00%
107 Lemobi A.pngLemobi108 Makinja A.pngMakinja 20.00%
Soul Eater Passive When defeating an opponent the Coromon absorbs the soul, raising the stat in which the opponent was most proficient. 61 Seraphace A.pngSeraphace62 Grimmask A.pngGrimmask 35.00%
Specialist Passive The Coromon restores 4% of its SP each turn, and 50% more SP than normal after each battle. 47 Acie A.pngAcie48 Deecie A.pngDeecie 25.00%
Spiked Body Passive Sharp spikes or needles damage the attacker for 15% of its max HP upon contact. 16 Slitherpin A.pngSlitherpin17 Serpike A.pngSerpike 20.00%
109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram 20.00%
Static Body Passive Because of its static body, the first Skill making contact will shock the attacker, after which every second contact will. 25 Bittybolt A.pngBittybolt26 Toravolt A.pngToravolt 30.00%
35 Buzzlet A.pngBuzzlet36 Bazzer A.pngBazzer37 Rhynobuz A.pngRhynobuz 25.00%
Steady Passive This Coromon's strong stature prevents getting knocked down. 77 Tinshel A.pngTinshel78 Dunpod A.pngDunpod79 Sandril A.pngSandril 20.00%
38 Lunarpup A.pngLunarpup39 Lunarwulf A.pngLunarwulf40 Eclyptor A.pngEclyptor 20.00%
91 Ruptius A.pngRuptius92 Vulbrute A.pngVulbrute 20.00%
Steam Layer Passive The Coromon is protected by a layer of steam during a Heatwave, increasing its Sp. Defense by 50%. 4 Toruga A.pngToruga5 Embaval A.pngEmbaval6 Volcadon A.pngVolcadon 20.00%
Sticky Layer Passive The sticky layer of the Coromon lowers the Speed of an attacker making contact by 1 stage. 57 Droople A.pngDroople58 Mudma A.pngMudma 20.00%
85 Gauslime A.pngGauslime86 Magnamire A.pngMagnamire 20.00%
Stinky Passive Upon entering a battle, the Coromon's stinky scent has a 20% chance to make the opponent hazy. As the Squad leader outside of battle it has a chance to repel wild Coromon. 85 Gauslime A.pngGauslime86 Magnamire A.pngMagnamire 20.00%
Stoic Passive After taking very effective damage, the Coromon's Defense or Sp. Defense increases by 2 stages, countering the type of damage taken. 1 Cubzero A.pngCubzero2 Aroara A.pngAroara3 Bearealis A.pngBearealis 35.00%
Strategist Passive When the Coromon moves later than its target, it strategically finds weak spots and attacks with 1 stage increased Critical hit chance. 20 Armado A.pngArmado21 Armadil A.pngArmadil22 Armadon A.pngArmadon 20.00%
Unknown.pngXena 40.00%
Sugar Rush Passive The Coromon raises its Speed by 1 stage when consuming Fruit 107 Lemobi A.pngLemobi108 Makinja A.pngMakinja 20.00%
Supersensory Passive The Coromon raises its most proficient stat when one of its stats is lowered. 7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite 20.00%
Tactical Retreat Passive When the Coromon retreats to its Spinner, it restores 25% of its HP. 82 Purrgy A.pngPurrgy83 Ghinx A.pngGhinx84 Purrghast A.pngPurrghast 30.00%
13 Silquill A.pngSilquill14 Gildwing A.pngGildwing15 Golbeak A.pngGolbeak 15.00%
Thermogenesis Passive The Coromon creates a Heatwave for 5 rounds upon entering a battle. 44 Bren A.pngBren45 Pyrochick A.pngPyrochick46 Infinix A.pngInfinix 20.00%
27 Bloby A.pngBloby28 Molteye A.pngMolteye29 Ashclops A.pngAshclops 20.00%
Thick Skin Passive Its thick skin makes the Coromon immune to critical hits. 23 Sanscale A.pngSanscale24 Caradune A.pngCaradune 30.00%
20 Armado A.pngArmado21 Armadil A.pngArmadil22 Armadon A.pngArmadon 20.00%
4 Toruga A.pngToruga5 Embaval A.pngEmbaval6 Volcadon A.pngVolcadon 25.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. 00 titanElectric Voltgar.pngVoltgar 100.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. 00 titanFire Hozai.pngHozai 100.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. 00 titanGhost Illuginn.pngIlluginn 100.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. Unknown.pngVørst 100.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. 00 titanSand Sart.pngSart 100.00%
Pure Essence Passive Power overwhelming. 00 titanWater Chalchiu.pngChalchiu 100.00%
Tough Feet Passive Its tough feet ensure that this Coromon is not affected by damaging entry hazards. 98 Mino A.pngMino99 Blazitaur A.pngBlazitaur 20.00%
109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram 20.00%
Toxic Skin Passive The Coromon has a toxic skin. The first Skill making contact will poison the attacker, after which every second contact will. 74 Taddle A.pngTaddle75 Fibio A.pngFibio76 Chonktoad A.pngChonktoad 45.00%
Vaccinated Passive The Coromon is vaccinated, which makes it immune to poison. 20 Armado A.pngArmado21 Armadil A.pngArmadil22 Armadon A.pngArmadon 20.00%
51 Gella A.pngGella52 Gellish A.pngGellish53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad 20.00%
Vegetarian Passive Fruit is healthy. The Coromon restores 30% HP when consuming Fruit. 71 Decibite A.pngDecibite72 Centilla A.pngCentilla73 Millidont A.pngMillidont 20.00%
116 Decibite A.pngDecibite117 Centilla A.pngCentilla118 Millidont A.pngMillidont 25.00%
Vengeful Passive When an opponent returns to its Spinner or when the user goes last, its skill power will increase by 30%. 27 Bloby A.pngBloby28 Molteye A.pngMolteye29 Ashclops A.pngAshclops 20.00%
Vigilant Passive When its HP drops below 25% the Coromon becomes vigilant, increasing its Speed and Accuracy by 1 stage. 7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite 20.00%
32 Moffel A.pngMoffel33 Digmow A.pngDigmow34 Dugterra A.pngDugterra 21.43%
Water Cooled Passive The Coromon is water cooled, making it immune to burn. 7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite 20.00%
51 Gella A.pngGella52 Gellish A.pngGellish53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad 20.00%
87 Quagoo A.pngQuagoo88 Swampa A.pngSwampa 40.00%
Weatherproof Passive The Coromon is not affected by any weather effect. 13 Silquill A.pngSilquill14 Gildwing A.pngGildwing15 Golbeak A.pngGolbeak 15.00%
Wet Coat Passive The Coromon feels at home in Rain, increasing its Speed by 50%. 7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite 20.00%
96 Flowish A.pngFlowish97 Daricara A.pngDaricara 20.00%
77 Tinshel A.pngTinshel78 Dunpod A.pngDunpod79 Sandril A.pngSandril 20.00%
Zealous Passive Skills used by the Coromon deal 20% more damage but cost 2 more SP. 25 Bittybolt A.pngBittybolt26 Toravolt A.pngToravolt 40.00%

Unused Traits

Name Type Effect
Clumsy Power Passive The Coromons attacks gain 25% more power but lose 10% accuracy.
Copycat Passive Copy the trait of its opponent, making the trait its own.
Discharge Passive When not hit by an Electric skill, the fusebox discharges, damaging and shocking its opponent.
Hideous Passive The Coromon is so hideous that it causes all its opponent's attacks to cost more SP.
Normalized Passive The Coromon doesn't mind critical hits, and reduces their damage by 25%.
Tunneler Passive During a Sandstorm, the Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any defending Coromon.
Winter Coat Passive The Coromon can move unimpeded in Snow, increasing its Evasion.