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Purrgy is a Ghost Type Coromon. It evolves into Ghinx at level 38. Using Purrgy Nibbles allows it to evolve 1 level sooner with each use.


Purrgy resembles a cat. It has two pointed ears, whiskers, and glowing eyes. Its arms look like empty sleeves, and it has a cat-like tail waving around as it floats in the air.


"Being both playful and helpful, Purrgy like to live in populated areas and are extremely loved by the community they're part of."



Base Stats
Total: 604 Lvl 1 Lvl 50 Lvl 99 Growth
HP: 88
11 104 197 1.90
Speed: 100
6 55 105 1.01
Attack: 102
6 56 107 1.03
Defense: 78
5 44 83 0.80
Sp. Atk: 118
6 64 123 1.19
Sp. Def: 84
5 47 89 0.86
SP: 34
20 37 54 0.35
Values for bars are calculated from base stats, in-game bar values are indicative of the Coromon's last evolution if applicable. Observed values have no Potential influence.


Name Description Odds
Kindred Soul Upon entering a battle, if the opponent has higher max HP, the Coromon links their souls to match its HP until the battle ends. 40.00%
Tactical Retreat When the Coromon retreats to its Spinner, it restores 25% of its HP. 30.00%
Backup Plan Once per battle, the Coromon will cling to life instead of fainting when hit by a very effective attack. 30.00%


Level Up

Level Skill Type SP Power Accuracy Category Contact
1 Fade Attack Foul 3 50 90 Physical yes
5 Confusion Normal 4 - 100 Status no
9 Kitty Claws Ghost 4 - 95 Physical yes
13 Concentrate Normal 0 - - Status no
18 Premonition Ghost 8 125 100 Special no
23 Ghastly Nap Ghost 7 - 100 Status no
28 Phantom Spike Ghost 4 55 100 Physical no
31 Spectral Lattice Ghost 4 - - Status no
35 Cat Scratch Ghost 5 - 70 Physical yes
43 Soul Swap Ghost 7 - - Status no
50 Magma Punch Fire 5 80 95 Physical yes
52 Lacerate Cut 7 95 95 Physical yes
60 Disable Magic 4 - 100 Status no

Bold: this move does 25% more damage due to Type Proficiency.

Skill Flash

Skill Flash Skill Type SP Power Accuracy Category Contact
Skill Flash 4 Ignite Fire 4 - - Status no
Skill Flash 5 Ball of Darkness Ghost 6 85 100 Special no
Skill Flash 11 Scream Normal 4 - 85 Status no
Skill Flash 17 Heatwave Fire 6 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 19 Deep Cut Cut 5 60 90 Physical yes
Skill Flash 22 Artificial Night Ghost 6 - - Status no
Skill Flash 28 Cute Pose Normal 0 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 29 Disable Trait Magic 4 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 31 Disable Heal Magic 6 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 32 Shared Fate Ghost 9 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 37 Inner Peace Normal 0 - - Status no
Skill Flash 43 Smokescreen Fire 0 - - Status no
Skill Flash 44 Clearing Wind Ice 4 60 100 Special no
Skill Flash 50 Agility Training Normal 0 - - Status no
Skill Flash 56 Precision Eye Electric 3 - - Status no
Skill Flash 58 Rage Normal 0 - - Status no
Skill Flash 59 Crunch Foul 6 90 95 Physical yes
Skill Flash 60 Last Stand Normal 6 - - Status no
Skill Flash 61 Poison Chomp Poison 6 85 95 Physical yes
Skill Flash 65 Scary Vision Foul 4 - 100 Status no
Skill Flash 68 Fiery Breath Fire 6 90 100 Special no
Skill Flash 70 Time Warp Ghost 6 - - Status no

Bold: this move does 25% more damage due to Type Proficiency.

Evolution Chart

82 Purrgy A.png
(Lvl. 38)

(At level 37 if fed Purrgy Nibbles)

83 Ghinx A.png
(Lvl. 50)

84 Purrghast A.png


Back Sprites


Beta Cubzero.png Beta content
The following section displays content that has been altered or removed from the game.
