Glacial Affinity

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Glacial Affinity is a Passive Trait.


"For every other Ice type Coromon on their team, this Coromon Skills deal 10% extra damage."

Trait Enhancements

  • + For every other Ice type Coromon on their team, this Coromon Skills deal 20% extra damage.
  • ++ For every other Ice type Coromon on their team or the opponent's team, this Coromon Skills deal 20% extra damage.

Coromon With Glacial Affinity

Coromon Type Odds

80 Blizzburd A.pngBlizzburd81 Blizzian A.pngBlizzian Ice.png Ice 25.00%

109 Glacikid A.pngGlacikid110 Arctiram A.pngArctiram Ice.png Ice 20.00%

100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth Ice.png Ice 20.00%


  • Glacial Affinity's effects stack for each Alive Ice Coromon in your party, going up to 50%, this does not include the Coromon with the trait.
  • It only boosts the total damage of skills used, not a percent increase for moves like Splash or Death Grip.
  • It used to be called Winter Coat, but was later renamed and reworked to Glacial Affinity