Low Density

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Low Density During a Sandstorm, the Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any opponent it attacks.


"During a Sandstorm, the Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any opponent it attacks."

Trait Enhancements

  • + During a Sandstorm, the Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any opponent it attacks, and takes 25% less damage from Skills that make contact.
  • ++ The Coromon is immune to the contact effects of any opponent it attacks, and takes 25% less damage from Skills that make contact.

Coromon With Low Density

Coromon Type Odds

93 Mooby A.pngMooby94 Molbash A.pngMolbash95 Malavite A.pngMalavite Sand.png Sand 33.33%