Clean Retreat

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Clean Retreat is a Passive Trait.


"The Coromon is cured of all status problems when returned to its Spinner."

Trait Enhancements

  • + The Coromon is cured of all status problems and recovers 15% of its max HP when returned to its Spinner.
  • ++ The Coromon is cured of all status problems and recovers 15% of its max HP and SP when returned to its Spinner.

Coromon With Clean Retreat

Coromon Type Odds

68 Patterbit A.pngPatterbit69 Pitterbyte A.pngPitterbyte70 Cyberite A.pngCyberite Normal.png Normal 20.00%

103 Otogy A.pngOtogy104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy Ghost.png Ghost 30.00%

121 Otogy A.pngOtogy122 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy Crimsonite.png Crimsonite 30.00%

100 Frova A.pngFrova101 Froshell A.pngFroshell102 Glamoth A.pngGlamoth Ice.png Ice 25.00%