Ghost Type

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The Ghost Type is one of the seven elemental types of Coromon. Coromon of this type are forms of ghosts, spirits, demons, or otherworldly beings with their skills being types of curses or magic spells.

Ghost Type is both very effective and weak against itself. It is also weak to Magic Type. It is ineffective against Normal Type and resists Cut and Normal Type.

Ghost Type Coromon

# Name
#38 38 Lunarpup A.pngLunarpup
#39 39 Lunarwulf A.pngLunarwulf
#40 40 Eclyptor A.pngEclyptor
#57 57 Droople A.pngDroople
#58 58 Mudma A.pngMudma
#61 61 Seraphace A.pngSeraphace
#62 62 Grimmask A.pngGrimmask
#82 82 Purrgy A.pngPurrgy
#83 83 Ghinx A.pngGhinx
#84 84 Purrghast A.pngPurrghast
#89 89 Squidly A.pngSquidly
#90 90 Octotle A.pngOctotle
#103 103 Otogy A.pngOtogy
#104 104 Orotchy A.pngOrotchy
- 00 titanGhost Illuginn.pngIlluginn

Ghost Type Skills

Headers are shortened to save space. Legend: Acc. = Accuracy Ctgry. = Category

Name SP Power Acc. Ctgry. Contact Target
ARTIFICIAL NIGHT.pngArtificial Night 6 - - Status no Field
BALL OF DARKNESS.pngBall of Darkness 6 85 100 Special no Single
BALL OF LIGHT.pngBall of Light 8 90 100 Special no Single
CAT SCRATCH.pngCat Scratch 5 - 70 Physical yes Single
CURSED GROUNDS.pngCursed Grounds 8 - 100 Status no N/A
FRANTIC MASK.pngFrantic Mask 5 - 100 Status no Single
GHASTLY NAP.pngGhastly Nap 7 - 100 Status no Single
HAUNTED GROUNDS.pngHaunted Grounds 8 - 100 Status no Single
HORROR MASK.pngHorror Mask 0 - 100 Status no Single
HOWL.pngHowl 3 - - Status no Single
HYPNO WAVE.pngHypno Wave 4 - 70 Status no Single
HYPNOTIZE.pngHypnotize 5 - 90 Status no Single
KITTY CLAWS.pngKitty Claws 4 - 95 Physical yes Single
MOON DISC.pngMoon Disc 6 26 100 Special no Multiple
MOONLIGHT.pngMoonlight 7 - - Status no Self
PHANTOM SPIKE.pngPhantom Spike 4 55 100 Physical no Single
POLTER CRUSH.pngPolter Crush 6 160 100 Special yes Single
PREMONITION.pngPremonition 8 125 100 Special no Single
SACRIFICE.pngSacrifice 0 - 100 Status no Single
SHADEWALKER.pngShadewalker 3 40 100 Physical yes Single
SHADOWRUNNER.pngShadowrunner 5 80 100 Physical yes Single
SHARED FATE.pngShared Fate 9 - 100 Status no Single
SOUL SWAP.pngSoul Swap 7 - - Status no Ally
SPECTRAL LATTICE.pngSpectral Lattice 4 - - Status no Multiple
SPECTRAL TIDE.pngSpectral Tide 7 - 100 Status no N/A
TIME WARP.pngTime Warp 6 - - Status no Single