Category:Water Type Coromon

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This is a list of Coromon that fall into the Water Coromon type. They have a Type Proficiency with water type Coromon skills.

Water Type Coromon

# Name
#7 7 Nibblegar A.pngNibblegar
#8 8 Sheartooth A.pngSheartooth
#9 9 Megalobite A.pngMegalobite
#30 30 Fiddly A.pngFiddly
#31 31 Ucaclaw A.pngUcaclaw
#51 51 Gella A.pngGella
#52 52 Gellish A.pngGellish
#53 53 Gelaquad A.pngGelaquad
#74 74 Taddle A.pngTaddle
#75 75 Fibio A.pngFibio
#76 76 Chonktoad A.pngChonktoad
#87 87 Quagoo A.pngQuagoo
#88 88 Swampa A.pngSwampa
#96 96 Flowish A.pngFlowish
#97 97 Daricara A.pngDaricara
#105 105 Shimshell A.pngShimshell
#106 106 Atlantern A.pngAtlantern
- 00 titanWater Chalchiu.pngChalchiu

Pages in category "Water Type Coromon"

The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.