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Okay! Give me your Patterbit, and I'll install my pira... uhm my completely legal kernel!
~ Julian, offering to evolve Patterbit ~

Julian es un hacker que vive en la casa al norte del Trainer Hub en la Isla Donar. Inicialmente te dará un Kernel de Pitterbyte ilegal pero gratuito, pero después de hablar con él teniendo un Pitterbyte con errores, te ofrecerá kernels oficiales por GoldIcon.png   1000.


Julian appears as a man with green hair wearing a green jacket, headphones, and a visor.

In game

Julian can be seen working at a computer at his house where he claims to be doing penetration tests on Patterbit for Lux Solis. When talking to him with a Patterbit in your squad, he will offer to install a pirated kernal until seeing a glitched Pitterbyte then he will start only sell "officially licensed Pitterbyte kernels" until his own software is stable.