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Atracción es una misión disponible en Coromon.


Esta misión se iniciará en el Pantano Húmedo, al entrar en la segunda parte del mapa y después de una llamada telefónica con Velma. It ends in Radiant Park's R&D Lab.


Researcher Velma calls the player asking for some assistance with the development of a new Gauntlet Module. She requires some Shrooms found in the swamp, 2x Sweatshroom, 2x Zenshroom, 2x Grimshroom and a Ber Fruit. Upon returning the ingredients to her at R&D Lab, she wants the player to be the first to field test the newly developed Aroma Module. She can be found next to the Push machine.

Entradas del libro de registro

Entrada Acciones requeridas
Velma necesita algunos ingredientes para terminar su módulo: 1 x Fruta Ber, 2 x Sudaseta, 2 x Tranquiliseta y 2 x Chungiseta.



  • Velma reveals during the quest that she's the mother of Aspho, one of the Soggy Scouts that take care of the Swamp.