Vlamma Heights

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Vlamma Heights is a small section of map that connects Vlamma and Fresia Pass. It is considered part of Vlamma by the world map.


Vlamma Heights is a small area similar to a route. It has two grass patches, and several hidden items.

The western exit leads to Vlamma, while the cable car building nearby will automatically teleport the player to the corresponding cable car building in Fresia Pass.


Area Item Location
Vlamma Heights SPINNER REGULAR 3.pngGolden Spinner x1 Silver Chest to the Northwest
SPINNER REGULAR 3.pngGolden Spinner x1 Small rock next to grass patch
SPINNER ELEMENT ICE.pngIcy Spinner x2 Silver Chest to the right of the Cable Car Building

Coromon Located Here

Table TBA

  • Kyreptil lv 34-37
  • Kyraptor lv 37-40
  • Ruptius lv 34-37
  • Blazitaur lv 34-37
  • Gildwing lv 33-37
  • Acie lv 30-34
  • Pyrochick lv 29-31

Hidden Gems/Items location

Location GEM RED 1.pngItem GoldIcon.png Sell price
Radiant Park
Vlamma Heights gem 1.jpg GEM BLUE 1.pngBlue Gem (s) DRILL SHOVEL SILVER.png160 / DRILL SHOVEL GOLD.png120
VlammaHeights gem2.jpg GEM BLUE 2.pngBlue Gem (m) DRILL SHOVEL SILVER.png800 / DRILL SHOVEL GOLD.png600
VlammaHeights gem3.jpg GEM GREEN 2.pngGreen Gem (m) DRILL SHOVEL SILVER.png1200 / DRILL SHOVEL GOLD.png900
VlammaHeights gem4.jpg GEM RED 1.pngRed Gem (s) DRILL SHOVEL SILVER.png320 / DRILL SHOVEL GOLD.png240